Health Benefits To Drinking Coffee - Dodo Seed


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Tuesday 12 May 2020

Health Benefits To Drinking Coffee

Millions of people all over the globe are slamming back a hot cup of Joe, or maybe it’s their fourth of the day. Either way, in America alone coffee consumption is at 50% (if you’re in the age group of 18 to 24), anyone over that age bracket and we’re looking at 63% and more. However fret not avid coffee drinkers, researchers have conducted many-a-study and have concluded that are tons of health benefits to drinking coffee – some of which will probably surprise you! (And note, these are just some of the health benefits, there are many more!)


Researchers from Harvard have concluded that a cup of coffee a day lowers the chances of developing diabetes by almost 9%. Additionally it also lowers your chance of developing kidney stones by 26%, if you chug a cup or more a day. Essentially what it does is induce more urination which then releases excess sodium and calcium from your system.

Liver Cancer

Daily consumption of two to three cups of coffee helps lower liver cancer development by 38% than those who don’t consume any coffee, says the Cancer Center at Hawaii University. Furthermore a study conducted by the University of Southampton has proven, “Drinking one cup more of caffeinated coffee a day was associated with a 20% reduction in the risk of developing HCC, two cups more with a 35 per cent reduction, and up to five cups with a halving of the risk.”

Improves Memory

Just 200 mg of caffeine helps improve your memory! Man, how many of us need help in that department? My hand is in the air! Anyways, how it works is that it helps block neurotransmitters that inhibit your memory. Therefore this allows for other neurotransmitters to retrieve memories more easily.

Helps Lower Depression

Thanks again to some Harvard researchers, they’re uncovered some incredible facts about coffee and depression. The researchers found that coffee drinkers are 55% less likely than those who consume no coffee to commit suicide. Plus the Finnish did their own study and saw that coffee drinkers are 77% less likely to develop depression symptoms.